‘Big Brother’ Keeping An Eye On Warriors

By Mariah Lopez & John Ruiz

Sample image of new security cameras.

“Big Brother” has made its way to Pueblo High School as 25 cameras, in virtually every corner of school, have been installed.

These cameras cost $150,000, which has been paid for by the district’s “special budget.”

Assistant principal Karla Martinez said, “I am very happy to have updated cameras because they produce much clearer images than the old cameras.”

Most staff members interviewed for this story approve of the cameras. However…some students have mixed opinions about the “eyes” around campus, which are inconspicuously smaller and harder to detect than the old cameras.

Emely Villanueva, a junior said, “The new cameras are a little creepy, but they will provide for a safer campus. With a shortage of monitors, these cameras might fill the void of campus security.”

Freshmen Marquis said, “I feel weird being watched all the time. It ruins my privacy.”

Senior Diego Ramirez said. “It’s also scary not knowing where all the cameras are… they could be anywhere.”

…Which is the whole point. Administration is confident that these cameras will aid in controlling discipline and inhibiting bad behavior.

Martinez said, “The cameras were installed in all areas around the school. It’s now possible to see virtually every inch of Pueblo’s campus.”

Security monitors are also optimistic about the new cameras helping keep order on campus.

Security monitor Ms. Nellie Rivera said, “No matter where a student is located, administration and school safety have access to cameras in any location, from phones and monitors in the office. These cameras won’t solve every problem, but they will certainly help.”

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