U of A Students Visit American History Chicano Perspectives Classes

Twenty University of Arizona students from a class entitled “Race, Ethnicity, and the American Dream” visited the American History—Chicano Perspectives classes and did a number of activities with Pueblo students around racism and white privilege.

Group activity that focused on racism & white privilege.

Afterward the students all discussed the potential impact of the ban of ethnic studies classes, which is supposed to go into effect on December 31.

Small groups discussed upcoming ban of ethnic studies classes.

Thank you to these U of A students for taking the time to visit our campus.

Anatomy Rube Goldberg Project 2010

The Anatomy class finished their 2 week project of creating Rube Goldberg machines to demonstrate the anatomy of our eyes and ears.

The students had to build their contraptions using only recyclable materials. Here’s a video on what the 6 teams learned:

After they ran the machines the class celebrated with nachos. Thanks for inviting us to cover your project.