Pueblo Students Blaze ‘Ivy League” Trail Once Again

By Esmeralda Almazan

Six Pueblo High School students were selected to participate in the Southern Arizona Ivy League Project trip, which has become somewhat of a tradition for the past eleven years.

Senior Juan Pablo Gomez, as well as juniors Esmeralda Almazan, Xristian Berry, and Marianna Martinez, left Tucson at the end of the third quarter, at the onset of Spring Break for an eight-day itinerary-packed adventure 3,000 miles from Tucson.

However, the weather was anything but “spring-like”, as students and chaperones endured very cold temperatures on the East Coast. PHS students traveled with four other students from nearby high schools as well as several chaperones, including three parents and Ms. Corina Ontiveros, founder/organizer of the Ivy League Project, also accompanied students.

Day One was perhaps the most exhausting for students: Tucson… to Denver… to Boston- at 5 a.m. on Friday!

Martinez said, “There was no room for us yet at the hotel, so we went on to visit nearby MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology] and Harvard University. The architecture back East is so beautiful and historical- completely different from Tucson.”

She added, “We also got to visit Quincy Market in downtown Boston, and that was an awesome cultural experience.”

Finally, at 7 p.m., the students got to their rooms!

Throughout the next six days, students were treated to more than a dozen universities and numerous historical landmarks and memories.

Before leaving Massachusetts, students visited Boston University (the alma mater of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Almazan said, “There was something magical about Boston University. I felt comfortable in the city, and I’m considering pursuing a Biomedical Engineering degree here.”

Then, students were off to Amherst University, Smith College (an all women’s institution), Tufts University, and 112-year-old Fenway Park-one of the country’s most beloved baseball stadiums (and host of the Boston Red Sox). Students then traveled to Providence, Rhode Island, to tour Brown University.

Berry said, “It doesn’t take long to get through those New England states. We’re [those in Tucson] are used to driving two hours to Phoenix. In the Northeast, you can get to and through three different states at that same time!”

Bill De La Rosa

Day Four’s itinerary was packed! From New Hampshire… to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut…There, students got to visit 2012 PHS graduate Bill De La Rosa, who is completing his degree in Law School.

Next on the students’ itinerary was Colombia University in New York City. While in “The Big Apple”, students visited the 9/11 Memorial and Times Square. Still in NYC during the morning and early afternoon hours of Day Five, students took a ferry to Ellis Island and Liberty Island and were awestruck seeing 150-foot Lady Liberty.

Then… onto New Jersey and Princeton University and then to Philadelphia, Penn., often called “the birthplace of America”, as it was the country’s first capitol and where our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.

Day Six was perhaps the students’ busiest day—visiting Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania— before heading to the nation’s capital, Washington, DC, where the students visited Georgetown University and many American war monuments. Also on the agenda were the Washington Monument and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.

On their last day, students visited Catholic University in DC and then the U.S. Capitol and Arizona Representative Raul Grijalva’s office. Students met John Green, the New York Times best-selling author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars, and Turtles All the Way Down (which has been turned into a movie and will be released this spring).

The White House was one of the students’ last stops before heading for the airport.

After a week “on the road”, students looked to the sky—as they were jet-propelled back to Tucson…And then to their beds. Dr. Toro has accompanied the Pueblo High School group every year. This year, she decided to take a step back and let Mr. Alvarez and other school faculty attend.

“I am not going to be at Pueblo forever, so it is important for other faculty members to experience its value and want to continue it after I leave,” Toro said. “Sustainability and legacy are vital keys.”

Berry said, “This trip was inspirational, for sure, and I am already considering applying to Yale University. I loved the school’s architecture and spirit. That campus is like its own little city.”

Martinez said, “I loved Colombia, Brown, and Yale, and I’d love to pursue my goal of becoming a speech pathologist at one of those colleges.”

Almazan added, “Don’t let anyone influence you about a school. Keep an open mind regarding your choices. If you feel comfortable there, then you’ll feel more at home.”

As May arrives, students with a 3.75+ GPA will be invited to apply to the Arizona Southwest Leadership Initiative and then interviewed in June.

College Preparatory Academy: Another Door to Success

by Marcelino Perez & Beatriz Villalba

Dr. Teresa Toro meets with Academy Seniors.

The College Preparatory Academy is a program co-authored by counselor Dr. Teresa Toro and Assistant Principal David Montano to challenge students to enroll in rigorous course work to: (1) apply and potentially be accepted into prestigious colleges and universities; (2) apply and have the opportunity to qualify for full-ride or free tuition scholarships; and be accepted into prestigious colleges and universities; and (3) be academically prepared for colleges and universities.

Once students join this program, they are committed to a four-year plan to keep them on track to graduate with as many AP, Honors, GATE, culturally relevant and dual enrollment credits as possible and to graduate with stellar grade point averages and other scholastic accolades. This program will also give students a better chance of being accepted into Pueblo’s National Honor Society, which always “looks great” on a senior’s resume.

Toro said, “Anyone who is willing to follow the contract’s guidelines and requirements will be allowed to join the academy.” She added that all grade levels are welcome to be part of the Academy but especially encourages freshmen so that they don’t miss out on the beginning foundational experiences.

The Academy was the “brainchild” of Toro and Montano—as she wanted to establish and implement a program to academically challenge those students who are willing to commit to and, inevitably, applying to excellent post-high school colleges and universities.

Toro said, “This program took a long time to create. I started developing the idea in 2008, and the Academy was officially established during the 2019-20 school year.”

She added that Assistant Principal David Montano assisted her with this program, bringing his skills and expertise to the Academy.

“This program has guided 182 students this year, including 65 seniors,” Toro said. “We expect at least 200 students in the Academy next school year.”

Toro explained that joining the Academy offers students more benefits that just potentially being accepted into prestigious colleges and universities in Arizona and beyond. While in high school, students will also earn Pima Community College and University of Arizona dual enrollment offerings, advanced placement (AP) offerings, GATE and Honors offerings, and community service and capstone experience. It is possible to earn 20 AP credits and 15 dual enrollment college credits upon high school graduation.

Toro said, “Being in the Academy can be like a golden ticket into colleges. For examples, the University of Arizona Honors College admissions officer said that when they see that a student has been a member of the College Preparatory Academy, his or her name application will be vetted on the “priority” list of admissions.

She added that even if students in the Academy earn less than a “C” grade, they are not permanently removed from the program; these students will be put on “academic probation”—giving them an opportunity to improve their grades and be reinstated in the Academy.

Toro said, “Students can grade replace or enroll in credit recovery and get off probation by attending one of the CCLC credit recovery boot camps or attend summer school to replace low grades.”

Students must earn C’s or higher to remain eligible in the Academy to benefit from the four-year experience. They must also complete at least 20 hours of community service per semester and fulfill the other requirements of the Academy contract.

Academy Motivates, Inspires Students

By Daeyalina Moreno and Marla Terminel

Inagural Class Of Pueblo College Preparatory Academy

Pueblo’s College Preparatory Academy, co-coordinated with counselor Dr. Teresa Toro, is an open access program, and has been helping many students to prepare for collegiate futures.

This program has spiked the interest of over 200 Pueblo students who are active members; over six years of preparation was necessary to make the academy become a reality. Students must participate in their selection of 18 AP honors, dual enrollment and culturally relevant classes, as well as participate in volunteer programs.

“This [Academy] is something that I’ve wanted to do for a very long time,” said Toro. She added that her efforts would not have come to fruition if it were not for the co-coordination with Assistant Principal Mr. Rafael Montaño and Principal Mr. Frank Rosthenhausler.

Toro said that the main goal of this program is to help guide students earn as much scholarship money as possible by pushing their boundaries and setting high expectations.

She said, “I want my students to dream big and help expose them to big opportunities.”

Sophomores Giselle-Paris Aubrey and David Cañez have big dreams for their futures, and they admitted that they wanted the challenges that the Academy offers students.

“I want to go to the U of A,” said Aubrey, “and the Academy is going to help me get there.”

Cañez said, “The courses [in the Academy] are rigorous, but I’m up for the challenges that the Academy is going to provide me and to prepare me for a great college future.”

Despite the academic benefits, students are willing to work hard and address all of the stress that committing to the Academy may cause.

 “A lot of students may think that they want to join the academy,” said Cañez, “but they need to make sure that they can commit to its rigorous pace.”

She added that students who want to be in the Academy are welcome to attend support groups. Tutoring also is available to Academy students before and after school, everyday throughout the school year.

She added that there is support for all students who are taking rigorous classes.

Toro wants everybody to know that the study groups are all year, and held in the Parent and Student Café; also, Game Day is on Mondays; walk-in Distress groups are held on Tuesdays after school; and tutoring is every day during “zero” hour in the library.

“I want my students to feel like they’re part of a family and that we support them in their post-secondary endeavors,” said Toro.