by Alina Cuen and Evan Maharry
Winter break is a long awaited time off from school as well as a time when holidays are celebrated and memories with family to be forged. Our Warriors just returned from their two-week vacation, embracing the cool weather and even experiencing snow for the first time in eight years. Already, the Pueblo community has made lasting warm memories of the break.
The ushering in of the new year has allowed many students and staff members to reflect on times recently passed.
Ms. Kathryn Gunnels, assistant principal, who took this time to visit her mothers and sisters.
“In St. Louis, the weather wasn’t as bad there as I had thought it would be,” Gunnels said. “But we got stuck in a blizzard in Albuquerque. So husband and I talked in the car and read books while the freeway was closed.”
Gunnels was not the only one who had a dramatic or bizarre story to tell. Junior Arsenio Castillo traveled to San Antonio, Texas, where he visited his sister.
“A tornado was a couple miles away and almost hit us,” Castillo said. “This tornado was a big shock, but I’m glad that we were okay. Being obliterated by a tornado would have ruined Christmas.”
Our Warriors gathered lots of memories on Christmas morning. Gifts ranged from the small, like the slippers that junior Carmen Membrila received…or the large, such as sophomore Karolina Bracamonte’s new phone.
Membrila had received a grand gift that she will not ever forget; she was given the opportunity to go to London to walk in the New Year’s parade from her recognition in a Cheer camp. She and another junior student, Mia Carpenter, who was also recognized for her talents at a Cheer camp, traveled together and enjoyed the cultural differences.
She said, “The whole week that I was in London was so much fun! Those days were such a new experience for me and really opened my eyes to travel more. Truly, I’ll never forget the amazing experience I had.”
Now that we’ve been in the new semester for a few weeks, many of us are looking forward to spring break and the memories that we Warriors will find there.