Share Your TUSD Desegregation Experiences

The Arizona Daily Star will be running a story on the positive, negative & neutral effects of the court-ordered TUSD Desegregation. We encourage anyone with thoughts on this matter to share them and contribute to the story. The following is the excerpt of the request on their online site:

Some of you were bused to schools across town because of your race.

Some of you attended distant magnet schools created to integrate the races.

Some of your kids couldn’t attend their preferred schools because of their race.

Some teachers were transferred because of their race.

The effects — positive, negative and neutral — of the desegregation of Tucson Unified School District reverberated across Tucson for a generation. After 31 years, the court-ordered desegregation ended in December (though the tax levy established to integrate the district lives on).

We’d like to hear your experiences of desegregation for an upcoming story. Please write them in the comments here, email them to or call 807-8427.

If you have a comment on this story please post on original story here.

Sergio Antonio Iñiguez En Viva El Sueño

Former Pueblo student, Sergio Antonio Iñiguez, is doing very well in the show that airs on Univision called Viva El Sueño (Live Your Dream).

Sergio Antonio graduated as a Warrior in 2004 and we all remember him for his charm. You can listen to his music on his MySpace Music site. Watch the show on Sundays on the Spanish channel Univision.

Sergio Antonio En Pueblo
Sergio Antonio cantando en la Fiesta de los Guerreros en 2004

We wish him the best!