Three of our talented Pueblo Student Artists have been recognized and honored for their artistic excellence.
Christiane Valenzuela, Class of 2011, has been selected as a recipient for the prestigious and highly competitive Pima County Youth Scholarship Award 2011, for her portfolio submission in the Visual Art category. Christiane will attend the Annual Crystal Apple Award ceremony May 6 to receive her Pima County Youth Art Award for $1,200 based on the merit of her artistic excellence.

Nadia Ayon, Class of 2011, has been selected for the Award of Honor Scholarship to the college of her choice by the judges of the 2011 Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild (SAWG) Art Scholarship Competition. Nadia will receive her $750 award at the Annual SAWG Art Scholarship Awards Reception and Ceremony.
Title of award winning ink drawing: Melding the Eye, Hand, and Heart

Jorge Ramirez, Class of 2013, exhibiting participant in the Joel D. Valdez Main Library High School Art Invitational was selected to receive the Best of Mixed/Other Media Award. Jorge was presented with a gift card to Barnes and Noble at the Artist reception held on April 16.
Title of award winning construction paper assemblage: Ilusión/Illusion

Cristiane & Nadia are enrolled in Mrs. Dolores Carrion’s AP Studio Art Drawing Class and Jorge is in Beginning Art.
Congratulations to all of them!

Great art work:) i miss AP art.. & the teacher!