Welcome, Mr. Berns! (And Thanks For Helping Students Read Better!)


By Victor Garcia and Anthony Gutierrez

Starting this 2016-17 year, Mr. Drew Berns joins the Warrior family as a reading interventionist, helping struggling readers improve their vocabulary skills along with reading fluency.

“We learn a lot of different strategies to help students improve their reading,” Berns said. “One of the best ones is to read a lot of different genres which helps out the students a lot.”

Although this is Berns’ first year at Pueblo, this is his 13th year of teaching. He has taught in several cities, including Nogales and Phoenix.

After graduating from Canyon del Oro High School, Berns then pursued several degrees from the University of Arizona, including a bachelor’s degree in family consumer services and a master’s degree in Mexican-American studies in 2014.

Berns said that the transition to Pueblo was an easy one.

“I really like our students here [at Pueblo],” Berns said. “I think it’s hard for our students to sit in a classroom for 90 minutes on block days [Wednesdays and Thursdays]—especially freshmen.”

Although he works primarily with freshmen, Berns said that he also helps juniors in RTI (Response to Intervention) classes.

“I really enjoy working with our students one-on-one, and I find it rewarding—for both the student and for me,” Berns said.

It’s no surprise that as reading specialist, Bern loves to read. He said that his
favorite novel is The Devils Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea, a story about a group of immigrants crossing the border between Mexico and the U.S.

Bringing Love To Pueblo

By Iram Arce

On Friday, January 13, 2017, former Pueblo freshman counselor Mr. Saul Ostroff brought a group of students to our campus from Myers Ganoung Elementary School to express their love and support in regards to the recent vandalism that has plagued our Warrior spirits.

Prior to coming to Pueblo, Ostroff and a group of six elementary school students helped serve food at Casa Maria before bringing custom t-shirts reading “We Love Pueblo” to our campus, in the hopes of enlightening the school’s spirit.

“I was devastated to hear what happened to my old home [Pueblo], so I decided it was only right to bring the love to Pueblo,” Ostroff said.

Ostroff and the elementary kids, ranging from third to fifth-graders, walked into classrooms and yelled, “WE LOVE PUEBLO!” to science teachers—many of whom have lost the ability to teach in their own classes due to the widespread vandalism.

Juan Valdez, a fifth-grader, said, “Pueblo is a good school, and I want to come here when I’m older. I don’t know why people would do such a cruel thing.”

Jasmine Garcia, a fourth-grader said, “This is a really beautiful school, and I will definitely come here one day. It’s not fair that bad people want to make this look like a bad school, because it’s not.”

Third-grader Emily Vazquez said, “I wish that the love that my friends and I feel for Pueblo helps everybody at that great school feel better!”

Pricilla Gonzales, a fourth-grader, said, “We know everyone in this school is going through stressful times, so that’s why we brought love—everyone needs it.”

Government Teacher Joins Warrior Staff: Mr. Nicholas Gunn


By Victor Garcia and Anthony Gutierrez

This school year, Mr. Nicholas Gunn joins the Pueblo faculty family as a new government and history teacher.

This is Gunn’s first year of teaching, and he definitely has his hands full teaching both juniors and seniors.

“There is a distinct school culture that creates a real sense of community,” Gunn said. “The students, teachers, and administration alike share a connection with Pueblo on a common goal which benefits all aspects of this school’s productivity.”

Gunn graduated from the University of Arizona in 2016, majoring in history, but he said that he also studied anthropology along with some educational work.

Although it’s still very early in his new career, Gunn said that he enjoys teaching very much, although he admitted that his job could occasionally be “demanding when it comes to preparing and tailoring assignments in a way that resonates with students.”

Gunn thinks that the teachers, faculty and students are all great but only wishes that we would be able to obtain more resources that the students and our faculty deserve.

“Virtually all schools in Tucson could really utilize extra funding and resources,” Gunn said.

Gunn further added that students should be aware of how real forms or movements of change have stemmed from the efforts of small groups of people.

“My main focus has always been on student activism,” Gunn said, “as well as the facilitation of building individual identity within government and building a personal connection with politics.”

Warriors, Let’s Welcome Ms. Rawlings


by Yessica Sanchez and Lya Thurston

Ready to teach and learn, Mrs. Lore Rawlings joined the Pueblo High School community this school year as the new P.E. and health teacher.

Rawlings was born and raised in Charleston, West Virginia and attended West Virginia State University where she majored in health and education.

“Coming from a long lineage of teachers, I was inspired to follow in their paths,” Rawlings said. “It’s in my blood. I really love working with kids!”

After teaching for about 22 years in West Virginia, she said that she decided to make a change from West Virginia and move to Tucson to be closer to her husband’s family.

“I love having the students participate in hands-on projects because it really increases learning,” Rawlings said.

After nearly five month’s at Pueblo, Rawlings said that she truly loves teaching here as well as the community atmosphere of the school.

“I’ve fallen in love with the students here!” Rawlings said. “Everyone is so polite!”

Who Or What Do You Love?


Compiled by Lauren Ahern and Nayeli Sanchez

In the past few days, Pueblo students and teachers expressed who they love the most in their lives.

Yamilex Garcia (12): “I love my dog because I consider him my best friend. When I get sad, he’s there to comfort me.”

Paula Fierros (10): “I love my family the most because no matter what, they’ll always support me. Even if I make a dumb decision or a wise decision, they’ll always have my back.”

Angelita Delcido (11): “I love the people who I have in my life as well as the opportunities I’m given because of their presence.”

Daniela Moreno (11): “I love a lot of people, but I’d like to acknowledge my dad and sister because they always push me and motivate me to do well in school.”

Ms. Rhesa Olsen, math teacher: “I love my parents for being there for me throughout my life! Oh, and I love my pets—the ones I have now, the ones in my past and the ones in my future. I also love my students. That’s who I love—not necessarily in that order.”

Ms. Tiffany Mendibles, English teacher: “I love the human connection that I share with every individual who is part of my life.”

Angel Faras (12): “I love baseball because it makes me happy.”

Luis Leyva (12): “I love my family because they’re there for me.”

Ana Verdugo (12): “I love Avae because she’s funny.”

Tais Jimenez (12): “I love my family, friends and pizza.”

Paola Vargas (12): “I love my friends, family and myself.”

Josselyn Rivera (12): “I love my family, friends and Dad.”

Roger Ruiz (12): “I love my family the most.”

Kimberly Gracia (12): “I love my mom, dogs and my boyfriend.”

Yazdel Enriquez (12): “I love Fernanda.”

Sara Noriego (12): “I love my family because they support me and my crazy ideas. I feel like they accept me just the way I am. I also love Joaquin, my boyfriend for more than a year, because he brings out the best in me.”

What Is Love?


By Lauren Ahern and Nayeli Sanchez

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, Pueblo’s teachers and students expressed their true definition of love.

Ms. Rhesa Olsen, math teacher: “Love is treating that person the way you want to be treated.”

Ms. Tiffany Mendibles, English teacher: “Love is unconditional, and it’s genuine. It is undeniable because we are human beings and have the ability to love.”

Ms. Sharett Brown, English teacher: “Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove.

Nayeli Sanchez (12): “Love is when you can’t stop thinking about someone who makes you laugh like crazy and smile until your cheeks hurt.”

Angelita Delcido (11): “Love is a mutual respect that two people have for each other being both physically and emotionally.”

Myriam Navarro (12): “Love is being able to be completely yourself in front of someone who appreciates you even for your flaws.”

Isaias Lucero (12): “God is love.”

Tais Jimenez (12): “Love to me is when you care about someone more than yourself.”

Josselyn Rivera (12): “Love is a relationship you don’t want to forget.”

Roger Ruiz (12): “Love is someone who matters a lot and is always there.”

Kimberly Gracia (12): “I think that love is when I love someone more than myself.”

Yazdel Enriquez (12): “Love to me is caring about someone that makes you laugh and smile.”

Ana Verdugo (12): “Love is totally about being comfortable with a special person.”