Pueblo Science Night: Another ‘Explosive’ Success

By Jose Jovel

On Friday, March 22, Pueblo’s Science Club held their 17th annual “Science Night” in the patio and South Gym after school for guests to enjoy and to intrigue.

The Science Club was not the only group present; multiple science classes showcased several types of science experiments and activities to entertain and fascinate visitors.

Science club sponsor Ms. Vaishali Jaiswal said, “Students did an amazing job with participating during Science Night, and my anatomy class dissected a rabbit and sheep’s eye.”

Pueblo High School’s physics, chemistry, physiology, and biotechnology students and teachers answered questions to the science-curious, and they boasted their knowledge of various sciences.

PHS’s Mariachi Aztlan, Tucson Electrical Power, and representatives from the University of Arizona food safety group also made their presence known.

Science Club president junior Esmeralda Almazan said, “Science Night was an immense success in my opinion, and I cannot wait for next year’s event to make this an even grander event.”

Science Club members were successful organizing this evening, spending weeks orchestrated various activities and to set up for visitors from not only PHS students, faculty and staff but also community members.

Science club sponsor Ms. Elaine Straub said, “We sponsors just make sure to facilitate the meetings and ensure we have the space ready for Science Night. The students are really the ones who run the show.”

Science clubs plan to continue meeting every Thursday after school, conduct more experiments, recruit more members, and get more advertising for next year’s Science Night for an even better turn-out.

Science Club vice-president Czarina Grijalva said, “We need to advertise better, but everything else about Science Night was a success. I love science—as all of us do who were involved in this evening, and we want to promote all the great things we do in our science classes at Pueblo.”

Pueblo Community Rolls Up Its Sleeves… Again

By Jose Jovel

Pueblo High School Librarian Ms. Marsha Jean Burrola rolls up her sleeves.

On Tuesday, March 5, the Red Cross paid another visit to Pueblo High School’s Lever Gym, and once again, Warriors rolled up their sleeves to donate blood at a very crucial time in the community when blood donations have been steadily decreasing in recent years.

The blood drive was organized by Student Body Secretary senior Czarina Grijalva, who has been organizing Pueblo’s blood drives for the past two years.

“It’s not as stressful as you think to organize a blood drive,” said Grijalva. “It’s our community duty to donate blood, and the Pueblo community has been historically generous.”

Red Cross member Chastity Morris said, “Students should try to donate blood because it saves lives, and everybody’s blood type is valuable.”

One blood donor, senior Sergio Lopez, said, “I donate blood to help my community, and knowing that I could be saving lives is definitely a motivating factor.”

PHS librarian, Ms. Marsha Jean Burrola, rolled up her sleeves as well.

“I’ve been a blood donor since I was 17,” she said. “I am thankful I can share my health with others.”

A total of 17 pints of blood were “collected”.

Pueblo’s next and last blood drive will be held May 8—when the PHS community is encouraged to help a shortage of blood in Southern Arizona. Students must bring their IDs and a signed permission slip, available from Student Council. Students must be at least 16 years old to become blood donors and meet certain criterion; students who are 18 or older do not need a signed permission slip.

Front Office Doors Show Pueblo Pride

By Julian Tellez, Shenail Arvicio & Desire Noriega

Last quarter, students and faculty were treated to a new look to the six main office doors—Pueblo’s emblem and colors—adding to the aesthetics to the campus that has been a trend for the past few years.

The idea originated from Pueblo High School Principal Mr. Frank Rosthenhausler, whose commitment to beautify PHS is definitely apparent and appreciated by the entire Pueblo community.

Several months ago, Rosthenhausler asked the staff to choose among 10 design ideas, and money was used from vending machine profits.

“The door design cost more than $3,000 dollars, and it’s money well spent,” Rosthenhausler. He added that more doors may be decorated in the coming months.

Assistant Principal Karla Martinez said, “I love the new designs on our new office doors, and it exemplifies how much we all care about the look at Pueblo.”

Ms. Jeniffer Mayersohn, Assistant Principal, said, “I think the doors look beautiful because it makes our school modern.”

Cafeteria Gets Final Remodel

By Sofia Larribas & Jessica Palomares

Despite all the work that was completed to Pueblo High School’s cafeteria last summer, there were some residual remodeling projects; during winter break, the final details were added, including new tables and chairs.

In his continued efforts to improve archaic infrastructure at Pueblo, Principal Frank Rosthenhausler had applied for a grant and was awarded $225,000 and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to direct the funds to the cafeteria renovation project.

Rosthenhausler stated, “The idea of the renovation came about last year, I saw that there were areas that needed improvement.”

Rosthenhausler said, “We wanted to make the cafeteria look truly artistic, and the shades of orange chosen on the soft seating in the cafeteria also affect mood.”

Mr. Rosthenhausler found a West Coast designer, Ella, to come up with models for the new look.

“There are plans for a big TV to go in the cafeteria that was donated to us by Lapan Foundation, a generous organization that provides students with scholarships and mentorships, but other than that, the project is pretty much done,” Rosthenhausler stated.

Cafeteria employee Mr. Rafael Garcia thinks the cafeteria looks nice, but it is also harder to clean because of all the chairs because a lot of the kids move the chairs to other tables.

One cafeteria employee, Ms. Sonia Lopez, said, “I love the renovation, I think it looks beautiful.”

Pueblo Prepares For Spring Break 2024!

By Ariana Garcia and Leia Ortega

This upcoming highly anticipated Spring Break begins at 3:03 p.m. on Thursday, March 7—lasting until Monday, March 18, which will officially begin the fourth and final quarter of the school year. It’s going to be a long stretch until the end of the school year—just one day off during the entire quarter (Friday, March 29). So, enjoy the most of your time, Warriors!

This spring break, some folks are off to foreign places, and others preparing to spend time with friends; however, most will be dashing to their couches.

Ximena Ibarra: “Maybe I’ll hang out at the park with my friends.”

Ms. Gonzalez, English teacher: “I think I’m going to stay home and relax with my dog. Also, my dad’s coming to visit, and maybe work on my silver smithing and art projects.”

Emmanuel Romero: “I have band practice with my friends because we’re recording that weekend for our band, The Woahs, and we have a show coming up at Club Congress on either March 13th or the 14th.”

Brooklyn Contreras and Kassandra Perez: “We’re going to the Descendants concert in Phoenix, and we’re going to see some little alternative stores along the way.”

Diego Pesqueira: “My band and I are playing our first show at Groundworks.”

Ms. Nelly Rivera, campus security: “Uh…I’m going to clean my house.”

Ms. Sarah Sutton, drama teacher: “I’m going to Guatemala with my boyfriend and his family.”

Jose Morales: “So far, I have no plans. Maybe I’ll work at my job, but that’s about it.”

Kaz Detwiler: “My friend, Nico, and I are going to her house, and… uh, yeah.”

Adriana Aguirre: “I plan to start my first job. I have recently applied to Fry’s, Tillys, and Buffalo Wild Wings.”

Mr. Rana Medhi, journalism teacher: “This is the time of the year when I like to get the backyard ready for spring and summer—so it’s going to be an organic week.”

Camilla Crisantos: “I’m going to work basically the whole week,”

Daniel Valenzuela: “I’m committing to completing a week of ‘Bootcamp’ with Ms. Wallace, and maybe I’ll have time to hang out with friends and just breathe.”

Isis Escalante: “I’m going to catch up on some sleep. Oh, yeah—I’m also going to Italy!”

Linkon Carillo: “I’m planning on celebrating a couple of birthdays in my family.”

Jessica Ramirez: “I’m going to crochet and eat some Hot Pockets.”

Mr. Frank Rosthenhausler, PHS Principal: “I’m going to Las Vegas—taking my father to the Pac 12 Tournament, and this year I’m also taking my little 10-year-old.”

Mouse Saenz: “I’m going to be sleeping a lot, and maybe I’ll make time to practice my Clarinet or watch youtube.”

Ms. Jeniffer Mayersohn, Assistant Principal: “My family is coming down from Michigan, so we’re just going to do some desert things. They’re looking forward to feeling the sun.”

Pueblo’s Clothing Bank: Open For Business, Open For Donations

By Saul Arias & Aubrey Garcia

Ms. Sandra Swiderski with Senior Christopher Marquez in the Clothing Bank

The clothing bank at Pueblo High School was created eight years ago as a government funded student to work program.

Ms. Sandra Swiderski stays busy with preparing students for a job by giving them retail and sales experience.

“The clothing bank is completely student operated, but it can only be open if I’m there in the room,” Swiderski said. “If a student has an accident and needs a change of clothes—and if I’m not on campus—a monitor can open the door so he or she can get their needs.”

This PHS clothing bank is located on the south side of the T-Building, Room T-5 and is open to the public and Pueblo students. For students, the doors are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. For the public, the clothing bank is open from 7:30 a.m. until 11:30, Monday through Friday.

“On average 10 students and four people from the public come in each day,” Swiderski said. “Inventory is kind of low right now, but we hope to change that with clothing drives this semester.

This program is dependent upon donations and encourages trades; to get clothing, students and the public should bring clothing to trade. They accept most types of clothing such as shirts, pants, shorts, and clothing accessories (belts, shoes). Used undergarments are not acceptable.

“The government buys underwear, socks, and many hygiene products,” Swiderski said. “We still depend upon donations for most everything else.”