Winter Spirit Assembly 2010

Warriors gathered at the Winter Spirit Assembly to recognize Basketball, Soccer & others. Mariachi Aztlan started things off by playing the National Anthem.

Student & Employees of the Month were also announced by Mrs. Dienz and representatives of State Farm. A big thank you to them for their generosity.

Seniors Look On
Seniors look on at the basketball challenge.

Performance highlights included Ixora, Warrior Drumline and Spirit Woman. The 2010 Senior class was once again victorious of the Spirit Stick. That’s two in a row for them.

All classes were wearing different colors to represent different causes. Donation quantities were announced and Seniors donated the most to Cancer Research. Everyone wins in this activity. Way to go Warriors!

Seniors: Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Juniors: Yellow for Support The Troops

Sophomores: Baby Blue for Diabetes Awareness

Freshman: Orange for Leukemia Awareness

Sophomores in blue to support Leukemia Awareness

Visit our Facebook Page for more pictures:

Sergio Antonio Iñiguez En Viva El Sueño

Former Pueblo student, Sergio Antonio Iñiguez, is doing very well in the show that airs on Univision called Viva El Sueño (Live Your Dream).

Sergio Antonio graduated as a Warrior in 2004 and we all remember him for his charm. You can listen to his music on his MySpace Music site. Watch the show on Sundays on the Spanish channel Univision.

Sergio Antonio En Pueblo
Sergio Antonio cantando en la Fiesta de los Guerreros en 2004

We wish him the best!

Jennie Elrod On CNN

Our very own Jennie Elrod, math teacher at Pueblo, was featured on a CNN story. Here it is in case you missed it:

Jennie explains what it was all about:

My internship was with the integration team for the Standard Missile 6 development program at Raytheon. We did the final testing phases to collect data and evidence that the SM6 is ready for the “production phase” which means it can be put into mass production and sold to Raytheon customers. The SM6 is a defense missile that has some very innovative capabilities unlike any missile in production today! My role was to collect telemetry data from missile tests, assist in taking the data back to Tucson, and also analyze the data in Tucson labs. We looked to see what information the missile received versus what information was sent to the missile, and use that to understand how the missile behaved… etc. So, we looked at a lot of graphs and codes.

The important part of this internship program was to allow me time and experience to witness the types of skills used in the workforce. In other words, what should I be teaching in my classroom that will prepare my students for a career in math or science?

That pretty much sums it up, it was a great experience and I look forward to working at Raytheon again next summer!

Here’s a clip of some behind the scenes footage of the interview process:

Thank you for sharing this experience with us Jennie.

CNN Setup
Group Picture