ECP Banquet 2009

Early Childhood Professions celebrated their annual banquet to celebrate their accomplishments throughout the year.  A nice Italian lunch was served followed by a Slide Show Presentation chronicling their events.

Mrs. Hardin recognized her student-teacher Ms. Lichter, who couldn’t be present, for all her wonderful work during this semesters. She then handed out pictures of every class member engaging in activities with kids while ice cream sundaes were served.

If you are interested in childhood professions, visit Mrs. Hardin or ask any of these students! By the looks of it, they had a great, fun year!

Paul DeWeerdt Appointed Principal At Mansfeld

Paul DeWeerdtThe entire Pueblo family is pleased to congratulate Mr. DeWeerdt on his next position as an educator. He made the following announcement this morning:

Dear Faculty & Staff,

It is with mixed emotions that I share the following announcement with you.  Last night, the TUSD Governing Board approved my selection as Principal of Mansfeld Middle School.  Pueblo has been my home for 19 years.  The idea of leaving has been very difficult for me but I am excited to start a new chapter in my life.  I have been given an opportunity to serve a school that I believe is a great fit for me where I can continue to grow as an educator.  I look forward to sharing more information with you in the days to come as we work together to bring this school year to a successful end.


Paul will be missed! A BIG thank you from all of us to his family and him for the hard work and dedication he has given Pueblo!

Class Of 2009 Spirit Assembly

The Student Body said goodbye to the Class of 2009 as they cheered for the last time at a Spirit Assembly.

Highlights included:

  • Face Scavenger Hunt
  • We Will Rock Stomp
  • Obstacle Course
  • Seniors Slide Show
  • Seniors Win Spirit Stick

Check out the video:

Congratulations again to the Class of 2009! See you at Graduation Night!

[View Photo Gallery]

Graduation Speeches 2009 [Updated]

Seniors wait their turn to speak in front of judges
Seniors wait their turn to speak in front of judges

Congratulations to our Speakers!


Briana Martinez and Sierra Swiderski

Honors Ceremony:

Alexsis Duarte

Graduation Speech Try-Outs will be Thursday, May 7.  Seniors interested can sign up at Angie Ortiz’s desk in the Main Office.

1 English and 1 Spanish speaker will be picked for Graduation Night.

Theme: The Future Depends On What We Do In The Present.

3-5 Minutes

Break Down Assembly

Break Down delivers positive message to students
Break Down delivers positive message to students

Pueblo students had the opportunity to see two performances from Break Down Tucson.

BreakDown is a team of young people who bring the powerful and dynamic message of hope and freedom to a generation of young people looking for the REAL thing. This fast-paced, high-energy performance, designed specifically for today’s digital generation, was created to break down the lies that our sexually saturated culture has been telling our youth for years!

This presentation tackles tough issues such as drugs and alcohol, rape, sexual abstinence until marriage, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, second chances, unhealthy and abusive relationships, pornography, self-esteem, TRUE sexual freedom and much more.  BreakDown will shock, challenge, and inspire even the most skeptical teen.

[Video Highlights of Break Down Performance]