Paul DeWeerdt Appointed Principal At Mansfeld

Paul DeWeerdtThe entire Pueblo family is pleased to congratulate Mr. DeWeerdt on his next position as an educator. He made the following announcement this morning:

Dear Faculty & Staff,

It is with mixed emotions that I share the following announcement with you.  Last night, the TUSD Governing Board approved my selection as Principal of Mansfeld Middle School.  Pueblo has been my home for 19 years.  The idea of leaving has been very difficult for me but I am excited to start a new chapter in my life.  I have been given an opportunity to serve a school that I believe is a great fit for me where I can continue to grow as an educator.  I look forward to sharing more information with you in the days to come as we work together to bring this school year to a successful end.


Paul will be missed! A BIG thank you from all of us to his family and him for the hard work and dedication he has given Pueblo!