Janos Southside was featured on a segment on PBS. Watch the entire video here:
We will sure miss Randy Spalding!
Pueblo had a big turnout during Homecoming Night. The night started with great entertainment in the Patio provided by the Warrior Marching Band, Ixora, Pistor Dance & many more. Many students took the opportunity to take big swings at the Badger Mobile. Clubs sold food and snacks during the tailgate party as fundraisers.
Warrior Football hosted the Tucson Badgers. It was a close game won by the Badgers 19-12. Fans on both sides of the field supported their teams efforts. A new section on the home side grandstand was reserved for the Blue Man Crew, Pueblo’s most spirited Warriors!
During halftime, Royalty was announced and here are your winners:
King and Queen: Richard Alegria & Jennifer Cordova
Juniors: Jesse Garcia & Melissa Rodriguez
Sophomores: Alvaro De La Mora & Christiana Solano
Freshmen: Fernando Duarte &
Faculty: Mr. Eleazar Ortiz & Mrs. Mary Wallace
[View Entire Photo Gallery Of Homecoming Day 2010-2011]
Enjoy our video:
Warriors showed great spirit during Homecoming Week! Here are other videos:
Monday- Football Mania Day
Tuesday- Black & White Day
Wednesday- Pajama Day
Thursday- Stop Light Day
Friday- Warrior Spirit Day
Pueblo is proud to be the starting point of the annual Cesar E. Chavez March. The purpose of the march is to celebrate the life and work of César E. Chávez, a life long leader for social justice.
Several of our students and teachers participated in this years march and prepared signs to display at the gathering that featured Dolores Huerta.
The march ends at Rodeo park, where supporters gather and listen to guest speakers on a mobile stage. For more information on this march and future ones visit www.azcesarchavezcoalition.com.
We uploaded a short video. See if you can spot some current and former Pueblo teachers.
(Via Jennifer Cardenas)
The Pueblo Science Club invites EVERYONE to join them on February 12 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. to a Star Party. Come explore the night sky from our Football Stadium.
Telescopes & Support will be provided by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association. There will be games and activities for all ages. D0or prizes will be given every 20 minutes.
Snacks will be sold by the Science Club.